Archive for Dezember 27th, 2018
Posted: Dezember 27th, 2018 under Allgemein.
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Iubilae! Iu-ubilae!!
Posted: Dezember 27th, 2018 under Allgemein.
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Trumps Lieblingsprojekt 2
Posted: Dezember 27th, 2018 under Allgemein.
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Trumps Lieblingsprojekt
Posted: Dezember 27th, 2018 under Allgemein.
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Ein weises Wort
John Kenneth Galbraith „Es gibt nur zwei Arten von Prognostikern: die, die nichts wissen, und jene, die nicht wissen, dass sie nichts wissen.“
Posted: Dezember 27th, 2018 under Allgemein.
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Trump desaströs
MANY PEOPLE who viewed Donald Trump as unprepared and temperamentally ill-suited to be president initially reassured themselves that a sober-minded Republican majority in Congress would restrain him. Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s (R-Wis.) pitiable farewell this week spotlighted the emptiness of those hopes. Mr. Ryan allowed the president and his allies to corrupt the House Intelligence […]
Posted: Dezember 27th, 2018 under Allgemein.
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